760 - Adult Parole Board (2018)
Date received*: 2018-10-29
Date released: 2018-12-05
Audit ID: 760
Report type: Financial Audit/Agreed-Upon Procedures
Agency number: 760
Agency name: Adult Parole Board
Total number of findings: 1 **
Number of Material Noncompliance findings: 1
Of the total number of findings 1 is repeated or repeated and modified in the audit report.
Financial Statement Opinion:
Opinion for Major Federal Programs: Not Applicable
Unmodified - (best opinion given) This type of opinion means that the auditor was able to audit the financial statements (entity's books, records, etc.) without problem. The auditor feels confident that everything in the financial statements is a true reflection of the entity's operations.
Report file: View/Download PDF Version [954 KB]
*"Date received" does not necessarily indicate the date the report was accepted in accordance with the OSA report review process and whether a late audit finding is required in the audit report.
**Total number of findings may vary from the number listed in the audit report due to the same finding being reported under multiple sections.