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Audit Firms Information

Application Process

If you are an audit firm holding a permit issued pursuant to the provisions of the 1999 Public Accountancy Act [61-28B-1 to 61-28B29 NMSA 1978], registered and in good standing with the Board who is interested in performing government audits click here.

Firms need to complete the firm profile datasheet and submit it to the State Auditor’s Office along with the required documentation mentioned in the firm profile datasheet by the date specified by the State Auditor.

Application Review Process

The Office will conduct an extensive review of each application.  The areas of review include verification that educational requirements have been met, the firm’s documents such as professional liability insurance, New Mexico firm permit, etc. are current and  a review that the firms are in compliance with requirements set forth in the Audit Rule relating to due dates, late audit notifications, quality of work, etc. 

Limitations / Restriction

Upon finalizing the review of the firm profiles the firms will fall into one of several categories: 

1) Approved
2) Restricted (often limiting the number of audits they are eligible to perform)
3) Disqualified

Prior Year Audit Fees for Governmental Agencies

The prior year fees for governmental agencies can be used as a tool to help agencies and firms.

Audit Review Guides - Coming Soon

Contract Addendum for Subcontracted Work