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Procuring Contracts

OSA-Connect Online Portal

Note: If you have not received an e-mail for online registration for the OSA-Connect portal please contact Jason Chavez or Frank Valdez at 505-476-3800.

We also have a OSA-Connect step by step instructional video available at:
Instructional OSA-Connect step by step video

OSA Connect Instructions (Printable Instructions) 

RFP Development Information

RFP Development Information (Click Here) - off site link  

Contract Amendment Templates 

Audit Contract Amendment – for use when there is a change in the amount of compensation - for all agencies that do not require DFA approval

Audit Contract Amendment – for use when there is a change in the amount of compensation - for all agencies that require DFA approval

Audit Contract Amendment – for use when there is NO change in the amount of compensation - for all agencies that do not require DFA approval

Audit Contract Amendment – for use when there is NO change in the amount of compensation - for all agencies that require DFA approval

Notification Letters

2019 Notifications Agency 

2019 Notifications IPA