I did not receive an email with a user name and password. What should I do?
First, check with your IT department to make sure that you can receive emails from Reports@osa.state.nm.us and check your spam filters. If you still have not located an email, please send an email to Frank.Valdez@osa.state.nm.us with your name, email address, and agency name. We will send an email with a user name and password shortly.
I cannot log in because the name and/or password does not work. What should I do?
After double-checking that you are entering the correct name and password, please forward the email you received from us with the user name and password to Frank.Valdez@osa.state.nm.us, with a message explaining the problem you are having.
How do I give access to someone else in my agency or to my IPA?
Agencies are responsible for authorizing users to access the agency’s account. To add a new person to your agency’s account, log in to www.osa-app.org. Click on Agency Profile on the left side of the page. Then click on “Add Contact +” from the right side of the Agency Contacts page. That will take you to the Add New Contact page, where you can add the requested information. OSA-Connect will send the new user an email that will contain a link to create their password and the user can log in to complete the account creation process. Note that if the user is already in the system, the email to the user will simply notify the user that s/he has been added to a particular agency.
How do I remove access to my agency?
Agencies are responsible for de-authorizing users who have access to the agency’s account. To take away access from a user, log in to www.osa-app.org. Click on Agency Profile on the left side of the page. The Agency Profile page lists all authorized users. Click on “remove” next to the person you want to remove. That person will not receive a notification. If this was the only agency with which the user was associated, the user will not be able to access the system unless s/he is added to an agency again.
What if I want to give access to my agency to someone already in the system?
Some users, like IPAs, may have access to multiple agencies in OSA-Connect. When you go to through the steps to add a new user to your agency, as long as you use the correct email address, the system will find the existing user and add your agency to his or her existing account.
How do I know if I have access to multiple agencies?
When you log in to OSA-Connect, the Agency Dashboard page will list all agencies that have granted access to you.
When can I update my contact information or the contact information for my agency?
With OSA-Connect, you can update individual or agency contact information at any time through the system. You do not need to send OSA a separate email or wait until contracting season. Log in to www.osa-app.org. Click on Agency Profile on the left side of the page. The bottom part of the page allows you to change agency information. Be sure to click “Save Information” after making any changes. Note: the “Agency Type” box determines which contract the system will generate for your agency. Please review all the choices, and be sure to select the option that most specifically describes your agency.
I am trying to log in using by cutting and pasting my temporary password but it doesn’t work.
Sometimes the cut and paste function adds characters or spaces to the temporary password. Try manually entering the temporary password into the OSA-Connect login screen.
I changed my password and now I can’t login.
Sometimes the system takes a few minutes to register a new password. Try closing the window or tab, waiting a few minutes, then opening www.osa-app.org in a new window or tab. If you still cannot log in, contact the OSA.
I received my approval letter, now I need to print my contract. Can I get rid of the header and footer?
This is a setting on your web browser. In Internet Explorer 7, you can turn this off by going to File/Print preview. When the preview box comes up, the fifth icon over is for “Turn header/footer on or off.” Here is an article that will help with other browsers: http://www.mintprintables.com/print-tips/header-footer-windows/